Jansons, Andrejs (1938)
Biography Works
Born in Riga, October 2, 1938. Studied at the Italian National Conservatory in Venice, graduated with a Baccalaureate degree in oboe performance from the Julliard School of Music (1960). Masters degree in conducting from the Manhattan School of Music (1973) and a Doctorate in composition from Rutgers University (1986).Andrejs Jansons portrait
Oboist for the Baltimore and Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestras, and the Metropolitan Opera and New York City Opera Orchestras.
Since 1988, principal guest conductor of the Bronx Arts Orchestra; principal guest conductor of the Liepāja Symphony Orchestra since 1994; appeared as guest conductor with the New England Chamber Orchestra, the Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra, the Latvian National Opera, the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, the Moscow Symphonietta, the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, the Philharmonia Hungarica Symphony Orchestra, the Nurenburg Symphony Orchestra, the state academic choir "Latvija", the Latvian Radio Choir, the "Sonore" Choir and the Chamber Choir "Ave Sol."
Principal conductor for the Latvian Folk Song Festival in San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, and Riga; principal conductor for the Song Days in Gotland (Sweden), Gaujiena, Ērgļi, Preiļi, and Aglona (Latvia).
Artistic director of the New York Latvian (Concert) Choir, New York Estonian Choir, the Bergen Chorale, and Fordham University Choir.
With the Latvian National Opera, staged Gian Carlo Menotti's Christmas opera Amahl and the Night Visitor for the first time in the then Soviet Union; with the National Opera chorus and orchestra staged the Latvian premier of H. Berlioz's Messe Solennelle. At the Liepāja Theater, staged the musicals The Sound of Music and Gundega; Menotti's operas The Medium and Amahl and the Night Visitor.
With the New York Latvian Concert Choir, staged Alfreds Kalniņš' operas Banuta and Salinieki, whose concert productions with soloists and symphonic orchestra were performed in New York, Milwaukee, and Minster (Germany).
With the Latvian Radio Choir and New York Latvian Concert Choir, arranged concerts of Latvian opera music in New York and Toronto (1991).
With the New York Latvian Concert Choir, prepared and premiered 16 Latvian composers' Christmas cantatas during annual Advent concerts in New York, since 1980. All these cantatas were commissioned by the New York Latvian Concert Choir.
With the orchestra and soloists of the Latvian National Opera, the choirs "Ave Sol", "Versija", and the Latvian Radio Choir, prepared a concert series on Latvian radio and television, recording 15 cantatas composed by Latvian composers outside Latvia. (1992-1994)
With the choir "Sonore", the New York Latvian Concert Choir, and the National Opera orchestra, prepared and recorded 5 Christmas cantatas by Latvian composers. (1996)
With musicians from the National Symphony Orchestra and the Liepāja Symphony Orchestra, prepared unique concerts for school-age children and toured Latvian schools in the Rīga and Liepjāa areas.
Directed the New York kokle (Latvian zither) and song ensemble, touring the United States, Canada, and Western Europe; recorded four albums (1965-1974).
Faculty member of Fordham University, lecturer at Rutgers University and Bloomfield College.
Presented lectures and reflections on Latvian folklore and music at the "College Music Society" and "International Folk Music Council" conferences.
Instructor in the kokle (Latvian zither) for more than twenty years. Directed choirs and orchestras at Latvian children's camps in New York, Toronto, and Garezers.
Organized more than ten concert tours for U.S. and Canadian Latvian choirs and soloists.