Strazds, Jānis (1980)
Biography Works
Composer, pianist, arranger and producer Jānis Strazds born on February 14th, 1980.
Obtained bachelors degree in composition and music theory professions in J.Vītols Latvian Academy of Music.
While studying in Liepāja Secondary Music school, together with singer Andris ērglis established band “Berm” in 2001 and earned first place in festival “Liepājas dzintars” (2003). After that he participated in band “Cacao” (2007-2008). First album was released in 2007, and title-song “Ripoja akmens”, that was at first performed in international competition “Jaunais vilnis 2007”, gained great success in radio station charts, won in different competitions of the year (“SEB Muzikālā banka”, “Cīņas klubs”). It was the most played song along year 2007 and authors received AKKA/LAA Infinity Award and Latvian Music Records Annual Award as “Radio hit” in 2008.
Author of music for solo album “Sirdspuksti” by Andris Ērglis (2008). Received The Platinum Disc Award for 10 000 sold album copies. Great success gained songs “Sirdspuksti” and “Pa paralēli”.
Wrote songs also for singer Igo (“Spēle”, “Ieelpots” and others). Created cycle “Uguns” (music written by Strazds, lyrics – Igo), that was released also in CD format in 2010.
Started successful cooperation with poet Jānis Peters, in 2010, that resulted with many songs, cycle of songs with lyrics by Pēteris for soloists, mixed choir and bands.
Has written songs also for singers Normunds Rutulis, Ieva Kerēvica, Kristīna Zaharova, Uģis Roze and others.
Periodicaly participated also in bands “Rebel”, “Fomins un Kleins”, in band managed by Fēlikss Ķiģelis, and in different concert and studio projects.
At the same time works also with academical music, writes symphonic music, chamber music and also choir music, arraged music for symphonic orchestra and choirs in spectacular projects (concert “Mana tautasdziesma” within Song festival, concert “Sirdspuksti” by A.Ērglis, Christmas concert in concert hall Ķīpsala (2008), concert programm by The Three Latvian Tenors(2009) and others.) J. Strazds writes music also for theatre performances.