Composers and Authors /
Miskinis, Vytautas (1954)
Biography Works
Vytautas Miškinis (b.1954) - a choir conductor, educator and composer. As a composer Miškinis is very popular in Lithuania and abroad. He has written over 400 secular and about 150 religious works, and over 100 folk song arrangements for various ensembles. As a result of many years of work with "Ąžuoliukas" choir, songs for children constitute a large part of his oeuvre. Being open to the tendencies of the day, the composer also pays great attention to the age and the abilities of the singer. His works display close connection between music and text. His religious music is mostly based on Latin texts. Texture of his works is melodic-harmonic, with elements of polyphony, aleatoric and sonoristic effects.