Composers and Authors /

Stabulnieks, Uldis (1945 - 2012)

Biography   Works  

The composer and performer of his own songs (piano, voice) Uldis Stabulnieks was born on October 8th, 1945 in Riga. In 1952, he enrolled at the Emīls Dārziņš College of Music, and graduated in 1963. He completed the choir conducting class of Jānis Dūmiņš at the Latvian State Conservatory (1972) and studied in Valentīns Utkins’ composition class at the Latvian State Conservatory (1972–1975). He was the accompanist for the Latvian Television and Radio Light Music Orchestra (1969–1988). He sang in the chamber choir Ave Sol (1969–mid 1970s), directed the ensemble Latvia’s Philharmonia (mid 1970s–early 80s, the ensemble was later called Tip-top). He worked as a pianist in almost all the Latvian theatres, with the closest collaboration being with the Youth Theatre and National Theatre. He often performed outside of Latvia with many different ensembles and collectives, including concerts as part of the meetings of the leaders and directors of the Soviet Union/United States in Chautauqua, USA.

He was one of the founders of the soldier’s popular music ensemble Zvaigznīte (1965). In 1967, along with the ensemble Zvaigznīte, he was awarded the prize of Lielais Liepāja dzintars. With the Zvaigznīte jazz quartet, he was an award winner at the international Tallinn jazz festival, and received a special prize from the Polish Jazz Federation. He has won awards at many composition competitions, including: 3rd place at the Second International Jazz Theme competition in Monaco (1974); winner of the composition competition for his work Ave Maria for boy’s alto voice at the 5th international boys’ choir festival Rīgas Doms solo boys' singing competition (2004). For his music for the performance of Pauls Putniņš play Ar būdu uz baznīcu (With a Shack to the Church) at the National Theatre (1987), he received the Andrejs Pumpurs Award, for his contributions to the genre of theatre art and for the theatre music concert at the Latvian National Theatre – the Latvian Great Music Award 1995, for his song Tik un tā (All the Same), the Copyright’s Infinity Award in 2004. His choir songs have been performed at All Latvian Song Festivals and Young Students’ Song Festivals.

He is a member of the Latvian Composers’ Union (as of 1978), the Latvian Theatre Workers’ Union (as of 1991), and a participant in the Latvian Actors’ Association.
