Jānis Cimze's ''A Garland of Songs'' and its Meaning: View from the 21st century
Musica Baltica
ISBN 978-9984-588-41-4
Year of publication:
Title in original language:
Jāņa Cimzes dziesmu rota un tās nozīme: skats no 21. gadsimta
Number of pages:
1.69 EUR *
* Hard copies can be ordered via email. Customers from the Baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) - please write to musbalt@latnet.lv, clients from other European countries - order via sales@editionpeters.com, US and rest of world - sales.us@editionpeters.com
* Hard copies can be ordered via email. Customers from the Baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) - please write to musbalt@latnet.lv, clients from other European countries - order via sales@editionpeters.com, US and rest of world - sales.us@editionpeters.com
Jānis Torgāns' research is dedicated to Jānis Cimze's A Garland of Songs (1872-1884)- one of the cornerstones of Latvian choral culture. Both the collection's links with German repertoire and singing traditions, and the fundemental innovation which Cimze brought into Latvian choral music are described. The author concludes that a Latvian style folk song arrangement is not only the fruit of labour of Jurjānu Andrejs or Emils Melngailis, as has up until now been emphasised in research literature; many particular roots can already be seen in the musical language of Cimze.